Best Practices for Running a Successful Board Meeting

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Best Practices for Running a Successful Board Meeting

A successful board meeting is a blend between planning, preparation and execution. Board meetings can take a significant amount of time but are essential to a company’s growth. In order to maximize great post to read board participation companies must adopt best practices that facilitate effective decision-making.

Start and End On Time

It’s no secret that many board meetings start late and last longer than they ought to. It’s vital that meetings start on time and end in time to minimize the amount of fatigue from meetings.

Set the agenda for the meeting.

It is common for board members to be distracted in board meetings with new discussion topics that could consume valuable meeting time. To reduce this, prioritise two crucial issues that need to be discussed and limit each discussion to 30 minutes. This will help keep the meeting focused and productive.

Distribute Directors the Board Pack in advance

If the board agenda is provided as well as the agenda for the meeting in advance the members can be prepared and be on time to the meeting.

Evaluate Your Meetings

Each year, a few times, give each board member a set of sticky notes at the end of the meeting and ask them to write on the notes a “+” for what’s working and a “-” for what they think could be improved. This will provide the board’s leaders with honest feedback and help to create a better board meetings in the future.

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