How to Organize Secure Online Collaboration

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How to Organize Secure Online Collaboration

Businesses need to collaborate online in order for them to work together regardless of where they are. But, without secure online collaboration, sensitive data could be exposed to hackers or other malicious parties. The cost of data breaches is only one of the many reasons why investing in better collaboration tools is a necessity.

As companies adopt more collaboration platforms including communication, file-sharing and collaboration tools, securing these applications, channels of communication and shared files becomes an afterthought for the majority of organizations. But making these tools more secure isn’t just a matter of productivity, it’s also protecting against the threat of attackers seeking to enter the company and profit of proprietary information, financial information intellectual property, and much more.

A company should ensure that all collaborative tools are easy to use and can be integrated with other apps in the workplace. This will prevent employees from using consumer-based apps that may not be as secure and could pose a security risk. Also, look for tools that allow you to set access rights to features on boards, for example the ability to designate collaborators as editors, reviewers, or readers of boards, to ensure that only the appropriate users have access to the most sensitive information.

In the end, it’s important to conduct regular security assessments on any collaboration software your company utilizes. These assessments will assist you in detecting privilege sprawl over time, eliminate any obsolete or unnecessary data from the system and spot any security issues before they become more serious.

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