How to Take Minutes at a Board Meeting

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How to Take Minutes at a Board Meeting

Board meetings are where important decisions are made. It’s not uncommon for a company to determine its entire management structure through an election at the board meeting. Therefore, there’s much riding on the quality of your board’s minute and it’s crucial to know how to take minutes as efficiently and precisely as you can.

It is easier for the person who is taking the minutes to keep track of the discussion if they have an outline or template that matches the agenda. It’s also helpful to keep a checklist of attendees so that everyone’s name is able to be checked off when they arrive. This will save valuable time and make it simpler to compile the finalised board minutes after the meeting.

Another important tip is to avoid getting too personal. It is best to keep the minutes objective and avoid mentioning personal disagreements or arguments as well as political opinions or idle chat. Do not discuss the personal lives of the members, or any anecdotes that aren’t connected to business.

Additionally, any items that were voted on should be distinctly documented and include the person who initiated and seconded the motion, the exact form of the motion, as well as whether it was passed or not. It’s also an ideal idea to include the number of the yeas and the nays aswell in the event of any abstentions or votes against. This will be helpful in the event that there are any legal challenges in the future.

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