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What is a Virtual Meeting?

A virtual meeting is a conference call or video chat session that is conducted over the internet using a videoconferencing tool. This type of meeting, which is sometimes called Zoom however, is actually a broader concept that encompasses other popular platforms, such as Microsoft Teams and Google Hangouts. Virtual meetings allow participants from different locations to connect through audio and video, cutting down on travel expenses and enabling what is a virtual meeting participants to work together no matter their location.

The aim of a virtual meeting is to exchange ideas and discuss a topic, whether that’s an internal discussion within the company or a collaborative workshop with clients. It’s important to keep the discussion focused and productive. The most productive meetings are those that have a clearly defined goal and agenda, so everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing.

It’s crucial that the moderator or speaker stays the discussion on course. Sending out invitations to meetings in advance is an excellent way to ensure that everyone is present for the meeting. You do not want your virtual meeting to be a waste of time and money. To avoid this, make sure you select a meeting platform that offers audiovisuals of the highest quality. To stop the back and forth emails when determining the right time, you can also utilize tools such as Doodle which lets people indicate their availability rapidly.

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